Hi friends,
My entire circuit goes inside this "printed circuit board'.When you press the button ,i generate infrared signals where the out put can be seen on television.On the tip of my board an LED which gives out infrared signals intermittently.I have several button contacts which is actuated by a switch like module.
Hi there
My function is to switch on and off the "button contacts".When you press my button i actually link the contacts.Digital signals are generated when you press my button and it goes directly to the television through an LED
I'm generating the necessary infrared signals in compliance with your television's specification.I control the signal wave length and frequency.I have thousands of components inside.They get activated
when at least 3V energy is applied at my input
Hi freinds
I'm the supporting unit.The necessary amplification of the generated infrared signal is carried out by my system.The amplification is inevitable .If the signal strengthening is not done properly you cannot watch your television channels remotely at longer distances.
I belong to the category of LED.But you are not seeing a normal LED ,instead i emit infrared.You cannot see my blinking directly with your eyes but a video camera can capture the same.My signal receiver section is placed inside the television.The receiver gets signals when you press my system
Finally I'm regarded as the NUCLEUS of my system
So NEVER WONDER who's generating the signals