Hello guys
Did you ever wonder what are these components?We are stacked inside our system.Our name is "core" specifically "E core" and "I core".We are stacked up in a manner where the magnetism is equally distributed.
Hello friends
We are the above mentioned item where the flux linkage becomes possible.If we are not there in our system flux linkage will not be possible thereby no possible voltage transformation.We are usually laminated to reduce certain losses in our system
Hi there
We are predominantly the most used item in all electrical devices.we are wound on a former in a uniform manner to give out equal flux distribution.We have two sides known as primary and secondary.The primary is the place where you plugged in electric supply and secondary is the place where you take out "the transformed" electricity like in case of a mobile charger.
The "electricity transformation" is possible ,only because of us and we are being called by a term "NUCLEUS".
So NEVER WONDER who's altering the electricity
Good Attempt ..PRasanth.......I would you like to suggest you something....try design of domestic and commercial circuits..Lighting design..Illumination etc a very precised and pictorial manner...u can use Autocad Software for that purpose........Let the Standard be Indian...